Sausages: 1 package Italian sausages (mild or hot) Remove the casing from each sausage. Dice the sausages and cook in a skillet. Pasta: Cook fettuccine pasta in boiling salted water according to package directions and drain. Vegetables: ½ red pepper ½ yellow pepper ½ green pepper ½ cup cherry tomatoes 3 portobello mushrooms 2 shallots 2 tbsp minced garlic 2 tsp Italian style spices Preparation: Dice all vegetables. Start by cooking the peppers with garlic and spices in a pan. After 5 minutes, add cherry tomatoes and mushrooms. Serve with the pasta as a base, adding the vegetables and sausages on top. Add a drizzle of truffle oil and a few pieces of shallots. Enjoy your meal.

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